Dangerous and Agressive Dogs

The Dangerous and Aggressive Dogs civil liability insurance comes in completion with the laws in Romania regarding the ownership of dogs. Thus, owners of dangerous dog breeds have to close a civil liability insurance policy for any damages these dogs may do.
These dogs cat be categorized in:
Aggressive dog breeds
- Pit Bull
- Boerbull
- Bandog
- Combination of these breeds
Dangerous dog breeds
- Bull Terrier
- Staffordshire
- American Staffordshire Terrier
- Rottweiler
- Tosa
- Dog Argentinian
- Fila Brazilerio
- Mastino Napolitano
- Caucasian Sheppard
- Mastiff
- Cane Coroso
- Combinations of these breeds
Owners of such dog breeds are obligated by law to post inscriptions on the entrance door: “Aggressive dog”, “Be aware, dangerous dog” to bring to attention that such a dog exists in that area. They are also obligated by law to register their dogs with the police and to respect the laws that state that the dogs must be walked with special collars with safety mechanism and muzzle.
The Dangerous and Agressive Dogs civil liability insurance can be purchased individually or as an extra package to other insurance types, as well as the family civil liability insurance.
The policy can be closed by any dog owner, as long as he owns a health certificate for the dog, a record number and to be enrolled with the Dog Association of Romania. The price of the insurance depends on the dog breed. The civil liability insurance for dogs is different than the pets insurance. The civil liability insurance covers the dog owner’s liability towards damaged third parties and the pets insurance protects the animal for death and accidents.
Risks covered by this policy:
- damage or destruction of third party’s assets
- body damages, death of a third party
- legal costs and compensation that the insured needs to pay to a third party
- in some cases, the insurance covers the euthanasia of the aggressive dog, at the veterinary’s disposal